Signs of Friendship…


Have you ever had a day that you were glad you were “YOU!” ???

Well… the reason I feel so good … is that I have such a variety of wonderful  friends…

I call my sister and get her out of bed … Does she mind???… “No”, she says… as we immediately get to talking about this and that… We laugh… we discuss different topics… we talk about our kids… we are true friends… Yes, my sister but, friends…

I go to swimming aerobics… and I’m greeted by several ladies that I talk to at least a couple of times a week … “How are you today?”… and they seem to really care…

We chit-chat back and forth about the temperature of the water… the sun that wasn’t shining… the rescue by our little life guard  that ended up being… just a guy… playing around in the water… We have a new instructor… young and full of vigor… and we leave saying, “That was a good workout”…

The time was well spent… and the new friends I’m making are so sweet… It was just a good way to start the day…

I get home right when my teenage granddaughter Taylor, arrives… I still find it hard to watch her drive up in her little car … with that big beautiful smile on her face… A “Hi Grandma!”… and I melt…

We are on a higher level than we were a few years back… She is growing and maturing… We chit-chat like my lady friends… but this time it’s about boyfriends workinglittle brother and sisterher Mom and Dadmoving … (Mom and Dad have decided to buy another house) … I love having her as a “friend”… Because friends can talk to each other about anything…

She leaves and I get a call from a young girl that taught sign language in our classroom the last year I worked… Mindy was the interpreter for one of our Special Ed students who had hearing loss… and couldn’t talk…

I admired her abilities and we became friends… Me… more of a Mother figure… but, friends… She had called me  last year about the same time I recall and we pick up right where we left off… I encouraging her… and her telling me all about her life since the last time we talked… She’s married… going to school… changing her goal to elementary education  and loving it… looking for a house… I heard every detail… and loved it!… Why?… Because she thinks of me as a friend and that makes me happy

I then read a few blogs and my Facebook page  on the internet that I keep up with and chit-chat again… just a few words… but, keeping the lines of friendship open…

As I’m coming in from being outside helping my husband in the yard… the telephone rings … I check the number and know it’s my cousin, Vera who lives in Tennessee… She is on her way home from work which takes about thirty minutes… This is our time to talk (chitchat) at least three times a week…We get right to it!… discussing our day… exchanging ideas… relating news of each other’s family… We could talk for hours but, usually limit it to this time… Why?… because we are friends besides cousins… We know each other thoroughly… and can tell how each is feeling immediately… Friends are like that!… Even “cousin friends”…

This was just one day!… and it was full of happy thoughts… laughs… and contentment… Isn’t that a wonderful thing!… Praise!… is what comes to mind!… and  ED!

3 thoughts on “Signs of Friendship…

  1. Beautiful… Friendships make the world go round and our friends offline are truly special. Online is tougher because, as you described, people have a lot going on and it is often hard to do it all… I try my best but it ain’t easy. Like you, I’m grateful for my friendships too. :-)

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