Unrequited love

I had missed some of the bloggers I had followed…

Decided it was time to reconnect…

Kellie Elmore’s Blog has been a means for me to try new avenues with her writing prompts…

Thanks Kellie…


She has listed 29 prompts for the month of February…

The 11 th day is where I picked up… and it was titled “Unrequited Love…

Simple Definition of unrequited:

not shared or returned by someone else


“Unrequited Love”   by: Marilyn Griffin


I looked his way…

with lowered eyes…

Hoping he would stay…

Feeling heart rate rise…


I had loved him…

from a distance far…

Loving never dim…

wishing on distant star…


Sometimes I felt his stare…

but, not as one he loved…

or would even care…

to make his beloved…


My mind would race…

to thoughts untold…

His lips I would trace…

Embraced with his hold…


But, to no avail…

my love was dimmed…

Love thoughts were pale…

Eyes with tears brimmed…


Not to be…

Unrequited love…

I set him free…

as a wistful dove…



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