Tag Archive | Belief

Heavenly Love


I have had a question raised to me…

How can I let God be in charge…

Total submission I believe is the answer…

Letting yourself be lead by His words given you in mind, spirit and body…

I have learned to pray pout loud…

Giving Him my total attention for those moments…

Bobby too!…

We focus on our desires… but, also the desires and needs of others…

and then we have to believe He will answer…

and through many people He does!…

We have had cards, gifts, flowers, food, visits, phone calls, talks, invitations, help with daily activities…

Is that not God speaking to us through others???

Is that not His way???

To have such a burden put on us…

blinding us for the moment…

taking all of our strength for the moment…

bringing tears that don’t seem to cease…

hearts so full of pain that it is unbearable…

and then…


He wraps us in His ever-loving arms…

Holds our hand as we make our way back up the hill from that valley of despair…

He gives us a peace that is not relatable…

A strength we never knew we had…

A purpose and focus to make every day accountable in some way…

Giving us words to teach others what having Jesus in your heart can do for you…

YES!,… this is why “I let God take my life and make it whole”…

“Take my life and use it to benefit others”…

“Take our lives to complete His work with us”…

and all I had to do was surrender

and receive such Heavenly Love…

“Believing”… Is Not Imaginary!


I find myself having more faith  every day… To believe in my Lord has become a real part of me  … I find it easier and easier to say the words…”I believe!”  … As a young Christian  we don’t want to be made fun of… ridiculed… talked about… told what we believe is just imaginary … so we shy away from what we know is the Truth and keep our saved soul to ourselves… As I get older and mature… “I am who I am”… and I know what I felt so many years ago only becomes better … becomes easier… becomes a stronger part of who I really am!… Just believing has changed me into who I am today … and I like that person!


What do you believe in?

Can you answer that?

Is it something that has been?

Or, something you’re working at.

Can you tell me what it is?

That keeps you feeling strong.-

Can the strength be “His”?

Keeping you from doing wrong.

Can you put it in a word?

Why you believe this way-

Is it something you heard?

Or, do you live it day by day.

Can your belief be called faith?

Does it have another name?

Does it give you relief?

Where is it that it came?

You found it in Jesus

Is that how it was?

“He” loves and keeps us-

And forgives us as “He” does.

Belief in the Truth-

“He” left in “His” word-

That’s written proof-

Of things you have heard.

Belief in the “One”-

Who died for us-

“His” victory has been won-

Righteously and just!

By: Marilyn Kay Griffin – July 28, 1983 – mkg