Tag Archive | Emergency Room

VA Hospital’s “Other” Favorite Saying!… “Just go to Emergency Room!”…

Been a couple of rough weeks …

Bobby doing OK with new chemo drug added to other two he was already on…

Breaking out of the skin … main culprit…

but, even that … He accepted and kept going…

Trying as hard as he could to adjust…

He ALWAYS pulls it up and looks for what his capabilities are… with the extra side effects…


He started what seemed to be sinus… allergies… with eyes…

Gave him allergy meds that were prescribed…

Used Netty Pot to clear nose and drainage… etc. …


got worse…

Eyes running …

Nose running…

and gooey stuff appearing around eyes…

Some blood even appearing…

RED… Very Blood Shot eyes…

went to Eye Doctor at VA hospital who had done his cataract and eye lift procedures…

and they were very nice at fitting him in on a busy day…

“We just showed up!”…

Found this works sometimes…

The eye Doctor was puzzled…

He saw no infection…

and… conferred with another Doctor…

which immediately said…, “The chemo was causing this…”… Had seen several times…

Collects around eyes … causing swelling… running…etc. …

also clogs ducts…

Drops were given and redness has disappeared…

but, still crusting… running… and looks awful!…

and now nose doing same…

around mouth some…

and “private part” being effected also…


although not a lot of pain…

just very miserable…

When we went for treatment a week ago Wednesday…

we were surprised with a visit from the pharmacy who mixes his chemo…

and they reported that his chemo drug with some others…

had been mixed with an alcohol based water which was a NO NO!…

and had been given to him several times…

I immediately related the problems that had arisen in the past couple of weeks…

and they took notes and were going to check on this…

Also his Chemo Drugs were not coming from Cincinnati, Ohio… but, Indianapolis, Indiana now…

That put ??? in my head also…

As of today…

still suffering …

Talked to Nurse in  Hospice Department at VA Hospital last night… trying to connect with someone…

she said, “Sounds like body is trying to exit something

… by the secretions… and keep an eye on urination… due to kidneys being affected…

Emergency Room advised…

Made phone call to Oncology Department and even rode over to VA Hospital … but, to no avail…

Need to discuss with other doctors and will get back with us…

Advising him to go to Emergency Room if continues … but, could see him Friday…

Last time to Emergency Room… after 4 visits and also talking to clinic…

“He was diagnosed with Cancer”… and had a small heart attack…

a little late!…

If he hadn’t started urinating… which had ceased somewhat… We would be up the creek…

Another disappointing treatment from the VA Hospital again…

Felt we were not dealt with in a way we should have…

“BUSY” or not…

but, then my Bobby’s life is at stake… NOT there’s!…

to be continued…