Tag Archive | Yoga

Meditating Anyone???

I hear of people who meditate …Can sit for an hour in silence …and I’m sure it is a good thing… I know it can clear your mind… relax your body…bring peace … I had to do the dishes by hand tonight… How long has it been since you stood at the kitchen sink washed the dishes…rinsed them in hot water… even used a scrubby on the stuck stuff…turned them upside down to drain and either let them dry on their own …or dried them with a dish towel???…I call this a time to meditate… How many of you have actually stood and ironed a stack of clothes …blouses, jeans, shirts, shorts, etc.???…I call this a time to meditate… How long has it been since you had to hang clothes outside on a clothes line  and let them dry??? I call this a time to meditate… How long has it been since you actually planted a flower or vegetable … watched it grow…watered it… fertilized it… pruned it… picked the fruit of your labor either to put in a vase or eat with pride that you grew it yourself!… I call this a time to meditate… How long has it been since you yourself cut the grass, got sweaty, got really physically tired as you walked the length of your yard over and over… admiring the finished look … I call this a time to meditate… These are times I think of my family… think of my concerns… think of past happenings… think of solutions Meditation can be different things for different people … These are just a few of mine… What’s your technique??? 


“My Kids!”…

I remember a time we had a substitute teacher  in the classroom I worked in… A nice lady… friendly…I can’t say overly useful in helping with the kids…but, just having an extra body in the room was helpful at times… As assistants…when we had a sub teacher… we actually became the teacher and the sub became the assistant… They waited for us to give them instructions … Sometimes this was a good thing… and sometimes doing it all ourselves was better…I understood that they didn’t know our routine… they didn’t know our students behaviors…they didn’t  know what to expect… So I was always explaining everything… You never knew if we would have that person another time or not… So by explaining… I felt they would understand what was expected…So with this lady sub I had done all of that… but, still she would somehow find a way to be busy…with what I don’t know???… Reading a book … getting a cup of coffee or drink … another bathroom break … But, this time I actually lost her… Didn’t know where she was…until I opened the door to a little storage area in our room and there she sat… She had pulled a chair  into this area and was seemingly in some type of trance… She looked up and calmly said…”I’m meditating!… Have you ever tried it?”  … “Well no, I said …especially when I have a classroom of students to teach and take care of “… She proceeded to tell me of all the benefits of meditating… oblivious of my astonishment of finding her in the storage room… All I could think… “Not quite the time or place”… I’m sure this lady has much less stress and is more relaxed  than me to this day…but, I wonder if she is called to sub very much!