Tag Archive | White elephant gift exchange


I get up to two kitties greeting me… with this new addition… I never know if the older kitty will have a good or bad day… she is quite jealous szo0016of the little one…


so far… so good.. .although the younger one decides to try out Jill’s favorite sitting and viewing site… by the window…


and then of course there’s the feeding bowlk5896998

I have a grandson on the couch in the living room… sleeping… I steal a kiss… which he ignores… meaning he doesn’t mind…

He stretches and I cover him up better… and back to sleep he goes…

The house is quiet… leaving me to my thoughts…k14786957

the mind is funny… jumping from one thing to another…

My hot tea is soothingEMO0003 … later… coffee… and pancakes for my little visitor…k3554426

Jill comes by for a pet as I sit here writing…

The world is good at this moment…

I’m so content…

Later… Christmas get-together at my nieces house…

My contribution will be dressing to go with the turkey and ham she is baking…

and I need to decide on an appetizer…

I just can’t decide… but, it will be done…

We will take a $10.00 boy/girl gift… and play a “Dirty Santa” game of gift exchanging … that the guys just love!…

They tickle me as they exchange with each other… taking away and getting back some gift they all have decided is the best!…


Ladies are more discerning… How pretty it’s wrapped… what they have decided is in it!…

Tomorrow… cousin and husband arrive for a week… from Tennessee…

outings are planned…

Christmas Eve 1525R-140129 at my son’s houseChristmas Day u30512130 at a nephew’s home…

and then it’s done…

All of the looking… gift buyingk7841113 … parties… baking Christmas-Cookies-Cutters… being with friends… Christmas cards u29520791 and music k7456554

and remembering of that tiny Baby that began this festive time so many years ago..k15617269.

I believe He smiles at our antics at times… and then can get sad at times… like we do when we remember times that have come and gone… with people who have come and gone…

Christmas… a memory maker for sure!…

God Bless Us Everyonetinytm_c( http://youtu.be/CC_lwk0UCe4 )

Enjoy what it is you do during this time…

will see you in the New Year… 2014…k16156552